
For an updated list of publications, you can see my ResearchGate:

Or my Academia profile:

Please email me for the full-text if you cannot locate it.

Peer-reviewed articles:

(2021) Eran del Barrio y Atendían a Razones. La Terminología del In/civismo y la Diferencia entre Estar y Ser del Barrio [They were from the neighborhood and they listened to reason. The Terminology of Incivility and the Difference between Being and Belonging to the Neighbourhood]. AIBR Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana 10(2): 325-346.

(2020) Anti-social Behaviour in the Square. Differentiation Mechanisms among Non-native Groups in a Peripheral Neighbourhood of Barcelona. Ethnic and Racial Studies: 43(4): 768-786.

(2020) Strengths, Risks and Limits of Doing Participatory Research in Migration. Introduction to the Special Issue on Participatory Methods in Migration Research. Migration Letters 17(2): 201-210. [with Laure Kloetzer and Concha Maiztegi]

(2018) Is it simpler to leave or to stay put? Desired immobility in a Mexican village. Population, Space and Place 24(4).

(2018) El discurso sobre la gestión intercultural de la diversidad en Barcelona / The Intercultural Diversity Management Discourse in Barcelona [The Discourse on the Intercultural Management
of the Diversity in Barcelona].
Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares 73(2): 387-406.

(2018) El olor del cuerpo migrante en la ciudad desodorizada. Simbolismo olfativo en los procesos de clasificación social [The Smell of the Migrant Body in the Deodorized City. Olfactory Symbolism in Social Classification Processes] AIBR Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana 13(1): 23-43.

(2018) Con la Cámara a Cuestas. Aportaciones de la Fotografía en Procesos Participativos de Investigación-Intervención [Walking Around with a Camera. The Uses of Photography in Participatory Research and Social Intervention Processes]. Forum: Qualitative Social Research 19(1): Art. 14 (with Concepción Maiztegi, Sónia Pereira, Edith Ulloa, Eztizen Esesumaga and Andrea López del Molino)

(2018) Trickling down or brimming over gains from remittances? Local processes of economic levelling in rural highland Ecuador. Migration and Development 7(1): 29-36

(2017) Gendered (Im)mobility: Rooted Women and Waiting Penelopes. Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture 8(2): 151-162

(2016) ¿Es Necesario Desmigrantizar Nuestras Investigaciones? [Do We Need to “Un-migrantize” our Research?] Ankulegi. Revista de Antropología Social 20: 47-60

(2016) Transformative Looks. Practicing Citizenship through Photography. Journal of Social Science Education 15(4): 14-21 (with Sónia Pereira and Concepción Maiztegi)

(2016) ¿Es la Economía una Ciencia Social?/ Is Economics a Social Science? Claves de Razón Práctica 244: 86-93 (with Martín Alonso Zarza)

(2015) Ways of Staying Put in Ecuador. Social and Embodied experiences of mobility-immobility interactions. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 41(14): 2274-2290

(2015) Migration, Migrants and Leisure: Meaningful Leisure? Leisure Studies 34(1): 1-4 (with Esther Peperkamp and Nina Tiesler)

(2015) Are all dollars equal? The meanings behind migrants’ financial transfers. Migraciones Internacionales 8(1): 39-63

(2014) From ‘mud houses’ to ‘wasted houses’. The impact of remittances on housing in rural highland Ecuador. ReMHu-Revista interdisciplinaria de Mobilidade Humana Vol. 22(42): 263-280

(2013) Migration, Development, Gender and the ‘Black Box’ of Remittances: Comparative Findings from Albania and Ecuador. Journal of Comparative Migration Studies, Vol.1 (1): 69-96 (with Russell King – main author – and Julie Vullnetari)

(2013) Linking Social and Financial Remittances in the Realms of Financial Know-How and Education in rural Ecuador. Migration Letters. An International Journal of Migration Studies, Vol. 10 (1): 23-32

(2010) Eating Abroad, Remembering (at) Home. Anthropology of Food 7 (Migrations, pratiques alimentaires et rapports sociaux)

Edited Special Issues:

(2020) Participatory Methods in Migration Research. Migration Letters (with Laure Kloetzer and Concha Maiztegi)

(2015) Migration, Migrants and Leisure: Meaningful Leisure?, Leisure Studies Vol. 34(1) (with Esther Peperkamp and Nina Tiesler)

Peer-reviewed monograph:

(2016) (In)movilidades en un Pueblo del Centro de México/(Im)mobilities in a Mexican Village. Cuernavaca: CRIM-Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Double blind peer-reviewed manuscript) [ISBN: 978-607-02-8328-4]

Edited book:

(2017) Food parcels in International Migration. Intimate Connections. London: Palgrave Macmillan (with Maria Abranches) [ISBN 978-3-319-40372-4]

Book chapters:

(forthcoming) “Luchas por el reparto de la escasez” [Struggles for scarcity distribution]. In S. Bofill and M. Aramburu (eds.) Crisis y Sentidos de Injusticia: Tensiones Conceptuales y Aproximaciones Etnográficas. Barcelona: Editorial UB.

(2020) “Migration and Development in the Mexico-US Corridor”. In T. Bastia and R. Skeldon (eds.) Handbook of Migration and Development. London: Routledge. ISBN 978-1138244450 [with Kerstin Schmidt]

(2019) “Aspiring to a Life Worth Living: Some considerations about the aspirations to migrate or stay put”. S. Vezzoli and H. de Haas (comp.) Renewing the Migration Debate. KNAW Academy Colloquium. Amsterdam: International Migration Institute.

(2018) “Dinero devoto y la transnacionalización de la fiesta del Señor de los Milagros de Xarbán/Devoted money and the transnationalization of the Lord of the Miracles festivities between Ecuador and the US” In F. Romizi (ed.) Migrantes Peregrinos. Trayectorias Identitarias de la Diáspora Ecuatoriana en el Espacio Católico Transnacional. Quito: Editorial Universitaria Abya Yala/UPS. [ISBN 9789942094988]

(2017) “Sending, bringing, consuming and researching food parcels” In D. Mata-Codesal and M. Abranches (eds.) Food parcels in International Migration. Intimate Connections. London: Palgrave Macmillan. [ISBN 978-3-319-40372-4]

(2014) “Me hace sentir como si estuviera en Ecuador. Alimentación y sensaciones de hogar en los inicios de la migración ecuatoriana en Santander”/”It make me feel as if I were in Ecuador. Food and Homely sensations in the early Ecuadorian migration to Santander (Spain)”. In F. Xavier Medina (ed.) Alimentación y Migraciones en Iberoamérica. Barcelona: Editorial UOC. [ISBN 978-84-9064-235-1]

(2013) “Towards a Gender Sensitive Approach to Remittances in Ecuador. In Laura Oso and Natalia Ribas-Mateos (eds.), The International Handbook on Gender, Migration and Transnationalism: Global and Development Perspectives. Cheltenham, UK & Northampton MA, US: Edward Elgar Publishing. [ISBN 978-1-78195-146-0]


(2013) Feasibility Study of the Proposal to Establish an EU-LAC Migration Observatory, Hamburg: LAC-EU Foundation (with Kerstin Schmidt-Verkerk)

Working papers:

(2008) Rice & Coriander. Sensorial re-creations of Home through Food: Ecuadorians in a Northern Spanish city. Sussex Centre for Migration Research Working Paper 50

(2011) Of Corridors and Dyads. Unpacking the Family Dynamics of Remittance Transfers to Albania and Ecuador. Sussex Centre for Migration Research Working Paper 66 (with Russell King and Julie Vullnetari)

Papers in conference proceedings with ISBN:

(2015) Mujeres Enraizadas y Penélopes que Esperan. Apuntes Exploratorios en Relación al Género y la Inmovilidad. VIII Congreso sobre Migraciones Internacionales en España. Granada: Instituto de Migraciones. ISBN 978-84-921390-4-0

(2014) Inmovilidad Transnacional. XIII Congreso de Antropología de la FAAEE (pp. S14/116–S14/125). Tarragona: Universitat Rovira i Virgili. ISBN 978-84-697-0505-6

(2012) Discursos e Imágenes sobre las Remesas Ecuatorianas. La Doble Instrumentalización de los Migrantes, XV Encuentro Latinoamericanistas Españoles (pp. 3983-3995). Madrid: Trama Editorial. ISBN-e 978-84-92755-89-9

(2011) Memorias Sensoriales de Tiempos, Encuentros y Lugares. In Luis Diaz, Oscar Fernández and Pedro Tomé (coord.), Lugares, Tiempos, Memorias. La Antropología Ibérica en el Siglo XXI (pp. 3137-3143). León: Universidad de León. (with Nuria Cano) ISBN 978-84-9773-583-4

(2011) Mi Cuerpo de Antropóloga Migrante. Los Sentidos y el Cuerpo en la Práctica Etnográfica. In Luis Diaz, Oscar Fernández and Pedro Tomé (coord.), Lugares, Tiempos, Memorias. La Antropología Ibérica en el Siglo XXI (pp.3173-3181). León: Universidad de León. ISBN 978-84-9773-583-4

(2011) Banderas Estadounidenses en la Fiesta del Señor de los Milagros en Xarbán (Ecuador). La Transnacionalización de un Ritual Rural Andino. In Luis Diaz, Oscar Fernández and Pedro Tomé (coord.), Lugares, Tiempos, Memorias. La Antropología Ibérica en el Siglo XXI (pp.1865-1873). León: Universidad de León. ISBN 978-84-9773-583-4

Book reviews:

(2014) Review of “First Migrants. Ancient Migration in Global Perspective” by Peter Bellwood. Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale 22(4): 489-490

(2009) Review of “Expressing Identities in the Basque Arena” by Jeremy MacClancly. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 35(4): 707-709